typedstream StreamTable HashTable Object [20c] typedstream [2447c] typedstream HashTable Object CardView HeaderClass %%%%i@@ TagView viewnib AccidentView Mile_200_View MilesView RepairsView CardsTracker genericobject_nib cardsPlayedMatrix cardsPlayedWindow Mile_25_View DistanceCardStackView CardHolder SafetyStacksView PunctureProofView SafetyView CardControl Control DrawPileStackView StackView cardCountFormCell GasolineView StopView TrafficLightView RightOfWayView FlatTireView DragCoordinator gameWindow target OutOfGasView DrivingAceView CardImage NXImage HandTileView FirstResponder firstnib checkSpelling: alignSelCenter: unscript: pasteFont: runPageLayout: superscript: copyRuler: copyFont: selectAll: pasteRuler: toggleRuler: showGuessPanel: alignSelLeft: paste: performClose: arrangeInFront: subscript: copy: alignSelRight: delete: orderFrontColorPanel: underline: performMiniaturize: SpeedLimitView GameCoordinator player computerPlayer messagesText cardsTracker dragCoordinator drawPile discardPile scoreWindow computerVsComputer: Player safetyPile gameCoordinator otherScoreMatrix battlePile mainScoreMatrix opponent speedPile distancePile RollView EndOfLimitView Mile_50_View SpareTireView InvisibleView ExtraTankView Mile_100_View Mile_75_View [11436c] typedstream HashTable Object Bitmap mille iii00 [576c] NibData @@@@s Storage {*@@} [129{*@@}] File's Owner CustomObject Application InfoPanel WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ Panel Responder TextField Control TextFieldCell ActionCell NeXTmille Helvetica-Bold Version 2.0.a, Feb-91 Helvetica by Dennis P. Glatting Button ButtonCell ScrollView ClipView ciifffcfffs [1047c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;} \margl40 \margr40 {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\tx533\tx1067\tx1601\tx2135\tx2668\tx3202\tx3736\tx4270\tx4803\tx5337\f0\b0\i0\ul0\fs24\fc0 NeXTmille is the first in a series of graphical games I hope to port to the NeXT (time permitting) making them available on the archives.\ NeXTmille was inspired by the work of Keith Packard who created xmille which is bundled with the contrib stuff in the X distribution. Kieth, apparently, was inspired by mille which is available from the Berkely distribution.\ NeXTmille is provided in source form . I'm placing NeXTmille in the public domain so if you got it, it's yours. NeXTmille is FreeWare. Threaded Technologies or myself assume no liabilities.\ The cards come from xmille, there are a few lines of Berkeley code, and the play algorithm is abstractly modeled after the Berkeley code, but much of it is original work.\ Dennis P. Glatting\ Threaded Technologies Inc.\ 339 Wiltsee Avenue\ Loveland, Ohio 45140\ ...!uunet!tti!dennisg\ NXCursor NXImage NXibeam Scroller _doScroller: @@@ffs Courtesy of: DThreaded Technologies Inc. 339 Wiltsee Avenue Loveland, Ohio 45140 +Copyright, 1991, Threaded Technologies Inc. Button1 Field1 Field2 VersionNumber ScrollingText Field3 Field4 Field MainMenu MenuTemplate *@*@ccc Matrix @:@iiii MenuCell Info... Window Open... Save As... ff@@#::s submenuAction: menuArrow Puter vs Puter Other Scores Cards Played GameWindow [14@] CustomView StackView DrawPileStackView SafetyStacksView DistanceCardStackView HandTileView [10@] Milestones Coup FourreJ SaftiesJ Overall TotalJ Hand TotalJ GamesJ ComputerJ Score Messages FormCell Cards Remaining: Field: SaftyTileView+ View1- View21 Field6X3 Field8?7 Field10A7 Field12C7 Field7[3 Matrix1a3 StackView1{ StackView2} StackView3 StackView4 Cards Remaining ScoreWindow [16@] [12@] All Four SaftiesJ Shut OutJ Trip CompleteJ Safe TripJ Delayed ActionJ ExtensionJ Field14 Field16 Field18 Field20 Field22 Field5 Field9 Field11 Field13 GameCoordinator DragCoordinator ComputerPlayer Player CardsPlayedWindow [20@] Field15 Field17 Field19 CardsTracker {i*@@@} [47{i*@@@}] hide: terminate: makeKeyAndOrderFront: orderFront: discardPile drawPile delegate scoreWindow gameWindow dragCoordinator speedPile battlePile distancePile safetyPile mainScoreMatrix otherScoreMatrix computerPlayer player opponent gameCoordinator target computerVsComputer: messagesText cardsPlayedWindow cardsPlayedMatrix cardsTracker cardCountFormCell'